Our sweet, little Zane turned 1 this January! We can't believe it has been a year since he was born. What happiness and joy he has brought into our family. Poor kid, unfortunately had a birthday on a very big Bronco playoff game day - so his birthday was cut a bit short. Anyone who knows NIles would appreciate the swiftness in which he conducted Zane's birthday festivities. I was seriously still eating my dinner while Niles started to load the kids in the car! Niles sped home (and Niles never speeds) for cupcakes, pictures and birthday wishes! the entire time NIles is rushing, rushing because the game is going to start any minute and his nacho cheese dip is not ready yet!!! At the very least, it was entertaining to see Niles in such a hurry;) and Zane won't remember anything anyway. Happy Birthday baby Zane!
4 years ago