An even bigger deal was Niles birthday... the BIG 4-0! Yikes. I can't believe I'm married to a 40 year old. He's hot, so I figured it's ok:) To commemorate his big day I did nothing... until a week later. It completely threw him off. He thought for sure I was planning a surprise party (which I was) but gave up hope after 6 days. Poor guy thought dinner out and a gift card for a massage was all he was getting.
Overall, it was a successful birthday season. We all (especially me) survived! Until next year!
Pictures of Niles party to follow soon!
blowing out their candles.
The grandmas and aunts that came for the fun and support:)
Half of the birthday crew..24 kids total!
Soren taking a breather with his dad.
London with some of her cute friends.
Our dinner out to Benihana's for my birthday. Delicious.