Sunday, April 18, 2010

Spring break 2010!

This year we enjoyed a layed back spring break.

We went to the zoo.

We swam.

We held headstand contests.

We ate at the twins favorite place, Red Robin.

We took London to the mall to make her first purchase with her very own "savings".

We let (really just me, Niles could care less) London sport the same blue sequince scarf and t-shirt for all of it. :)
(I've learned to pick my battles.)


tiffany garfield said...

seriously where did that scarf come from?! Breck, I think that IS a battle you need to fight. hahahaha just kidding. she's going to love those pics when she's older and so are you. Looks like Spring Break was fun! Love you guys and miss you!

Brittany said...

Ahh I miss those kids! They are so stinkin cute. Glad Spring Break was a success! Can't wait to see you guys! Love ya! xoxox
BTW I agree with Twink... maybe the scarf could accidentally get misplaced? Maybe? Just kidding! Gotta love Lovey and her outfits! :)

Brittany said...

I was looking at the pics again and was surprised that Love didn't wear her scarf swimming! Hahaha! I know I'm hilarious! :) love ya!