Monday, May 30, 2011

Spring break skiing 2011

Yes - I realize it's summer and I'm just getting these up. A combination of lazy, forgetful and exhausted has created a lack of anything except the absolutely necessary getting accomplished. Blogging has been no where on the absolutely necessary list. Summer is here and with it a renewed sense of "get it done-ness". And with that is the need to record our family memories. I want my children to remember all the fun times we have together. Many of our fun memories have been up in the mountains. We love it up there! The twins get excited every time we tell them we're going. Skiing this year was great. It's amazing how much they continue to improve. Skiing with them is one of my favorite things.


tiffany garfield photography said...

although I really dislike being cold, this looks like a lot of fun! I love that they know how to ski! hope you're able to get caught up soon... on blogging and sleep. :)

Guru Indonesia said...

this is good!
best regards,