Friday, June 5, 2009


As of Late, London has entertained us with her "words". The comments coming out of this 4 year old are pretty least to her parents. Maybe, you too might have a little laugh.

scene 1: hiking over the weekend. We were hiking into an area that was pretty wooded. As we start walking through, we hear Lovey say "We are now entering into the belly of the beast!" What?!

scene 2: Telling on Soren and his friend Cooper. "Mommy, the boys are being mean....they are listening to SATAN!" This was my personal favorite.

Scene 3: Playing a game of washuus. She made maybe 2 shots out of 16. None the less, I was excited for her. She leans over, shrugs her shoulders like "No big deal" and says "yeah, I"m a bit of a natural," then saunters off.

I am dismayed that there will be a time when I won't remember all the small moments and "quotes" of my children's childhood. I hope they continue to remain confident and speak their mind as they do now. It would be a shame to miss out on all that goes on in those cute heads.


Brittany said...

Lovey is hilarious! My personal favorite would have to be scene 2, I think... Although scene 3 is pretty funny! She makes me laugh! :)

Drew and Alicia said...

That's adorable I do love the Satan comment its hilarious. AT least she gets the concept of where sin comes from =)We miss you!

Chelsea said...

Oh, this is my favorite age. I love 2.5 - 5. Kids are so funny during those years! I love the Satan comment, aha!