Monday, November 30, 2009

What every girl wants.....

to never hear from her husband. "Wow, You've sort of got a Sarah Palin look going on."


Marilee said...

That's hilarious....and he's kind of right! Just in this picture though.

Megan and Eric Barnhurst said...

So funny! As for Boston, 2011 is our year Brecken! I'm off to Death Valley this weekend and hoping a 3:40 time is in my future. Cross your fingers for me!

Cindy said...

Niles ...tsk tsk tsk...what were you thinking???

Chelsea said...

AHahahah! Oh Brecken. Well, it's better than having a Hilary Clinton look going on.

Jen Rutter said...

Hilarious! But you are still as gorgeous as ever!

Shauna Brown said...

She is the HOTTEST politician ever!! If you're real lucky you'll be blessed with a son in law like Levi :)